What is the difference between user testing and beta testing?
Both User testing and beta testing play a pivotal role when it comes to ascertaining the worth of a product from a user’s standpoint. Though both have a different testing implementation approach, but, the end goal remains the same and that is to take into consideration the user feedback and then work on the feedback in a strategic and pragmatic manner. In this article, you will get to know the difference between user testing and beta testing. What is user testing ? It is a testing method through which the functions and interface of a product, application or website are tested by real users in a real-time environment. The focus is on assessing the usability and user experience of a product or application. The user tests how interactive the application is and whether it is user-friendly or not. The various pros and cons of the product or application are provided by the user in the form of feedback. Based on the feedback provided, the team can make the necessary adjustments an...