Why Agile Methodology Is Getting Popular

Today, every enterprise wants quality and faster releases. To achieve this businesses are adopting the agile approach that helps the teams to maintain and deliver projects within the time frame. 

With continuous iterations, teams can deliver the product much faster as compared to other methodologies. There are many more benefits associated with this methodology which makes it so popular. Let us now try to understand some of the reasons behind the popularity of this methodology.

What is agile methodology?

It is a software development and testing approach that is guided by certain values or principles stated in the agile manifesto for software development. It helps businesses to ensure continuous delivery of value-adding software aided by constant communication with the client and also among team members.

It focuses not only on fast delivery but also on the constant delivery of value to customers. In this approach the software is developed in stages thus, it allows easy bug identification and fixing. It follows an incremental approach which helps to develop collaboration within teams and continuous planning and learning. 

Agile methodology is focused on iterative development. In this methodology requirements and solutions evolve through proper coordination and collaboration between cross-functional teams and product owners. It is designed to adapt to changes, respond to constant feedback, and provide constant results. 

Why agile methodology is getting popular?

The agile methodology is popular because of its values that are stated in the agile manifesto. The key values are of the agile methodology are:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

Below mentioned are some of the reasons that will help you to understand why this methodology is so popular:

It focuses on customer and results – By incorporating agile practice in an organization, teams can deliver quality products to the customer faster. The agile methodology ensures that the customer is involved throughout the process so that customers get updates on their products and their requirements are fulfilled. This ensures customer satisfaction and happiness which is one of the main reason behind agile popularity

It is smaller and faster – Agile follows an iterative and incremental approach to development. As compared to other methodologies, agile focuses on deploying first progress in a couple of weeks or the entire piece of software in a couple of months.

It is effective and efficient – Agile methodology focuses on individuals and interactions and increases team productivity, it also ensures continuous collaboration and ensures that the teams are adaptable to changes so that quick results can be obtained

It contains a variety of methods – This methodology has a variety of methods that can be used as per the varying demands. The various methods are Scrum, Kanban, Feature-Driven Development (FDD), Rapid Application Development (RAD), Extreme Programming (XP), Crystal, etc.  

It enhances work culture and productivity – This methodology encourages team collaboration, transparency between client and company which improves the work culture of an organization and increases productivity

Conclusion: Agile Methodologies have gained importance across IT industry due to the benefits that it provides to the IT teams and users. IT organizations are adopting this methodology as it not only helps them to deliver high-quality software but also encourages a great working culture in the organization driven by collaboration and communication. 

This methodology ensures that teams are working in collaboration with each other and are adapting to the constant changes and feedbacks. Leverage agile and DevOps testing from a next-gen QA and software testing services provider to get quality products.

About the author: I am a technical content writer and I write articles on various IT-related topics. In this article, I have tried to share my views on agile methodology.


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